On Friday 13th, the government published the official information about how well schools perform in the SATs taken at the end of Year 6. This information is vital for parents to know how well their school is preparing their child for the next stage of their education. We’re incredibly proud that, our of 34 primaries in Torbay Ellacombe is now the 2nd highest performing with 86% of pupils achieving the standards in Reading, Writing and Maths. The national average is 65%!
Ten years ago Ellacombe was one of the worst performing primaries in the Bay but since joining with Ilsham and forming with Learning Academy Partnership, the school had improved year on year. Over the past 4 years, pupils have been consistently achieving very well and Ellacombe has been getting higher and higher in the league tables each year. Pupils in Academies across the LAP are also achieving well!
Ellacombe is 2nd highest performance in the whole of Torbay.
Ellacombe in Number one in Torbay for achievement of disadvantaged pupils with 91% achieving the standard.
Ellacombe is in top 0.5% of all school nationally for achievement of disadvantaged pupils. (117 out of 20,553 schools).
The LAP is in the top ten Trusts in the country for second year in a row! (For pupil progress in Reading and Maths).
These results mean that pupils leave us with the skills and knowledge they need to do well at Secondary school and we are incredibly proud of each and every child. Every single member of staff is part of this achievement and we are proud that our Values at the LAP where we put children at the heart of all of our decisions and work so closely together is having such an impact!