Hello and welcome to our website. I’m delighted that you’re considering joining our Ellacombe C of E Academy family. We believe that working together with families right from when they join our school family, be it in our Little Stars nursery, in Reception, or in year, we build strong, trusting partnerships which really supports children and allows them to thrive. Our positive and compassionate environment helps children feel safe, happy and cherished at school. Through our Christian Vision that we all have our own paths in life, our own things we love and may worry about, we develop children’s compassion and care for themselves and others; their understanding that they are each unique and special yet equally valued.
Our rich and stimulating curriculum stimulates curiosity and wonder about the world around them. By nurturing children’s personal development, they learn the skills to be confident, resilient and reflective in the face of challenge. The caring nature of our school family is recognised with families sending generation after generation of children to us whilst other families travel from outside of Torquay to be part of our unique school.
Please do use this website but also our social media pages on Facebook or Twitter to get to know us better and contact us to start the conversation about joining our school family.